The Skinny

Hi. If you're here, chances are you qualify as one of the following:
  • A slightly annoyed book reviewer.
  • Someone who's recently gotten a strange friend-add on myspace/facebook/etc, stumbled across one of numerous strange websites, or are hitting the random option on blogger a little too hard.

For those not yet in the know, Alabama Steve is the latest chapbook by poet Karyna McGlynn, and you've been caught in its thorny web of viral marketing. Though it's unclear when webs started growing thorns, that's probably the least of your worries.

Stay glued to this spot for the latest in Steveness, curse loudly, close your browser etc.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Dude, you know Steve?

Know someone who looks like Alabama Steve? Think you ARE Steve? Send your damning evidence in photo / anecdotal / other form to: